Dudley's dungeon

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Thursday, 8 June, 2006 by Jmadman311
   |   x^3 |        
@ #pray
   |   x^3 |        
   |  3x^2 |        
You die...
   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |     Dudley     | 
 |    killed by   | 
 |    calculus    | 
 |    *  *  *     | 

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Average rating: Good
Number of ratings: 26


Dav June 8, 2006 02:48
First comment: 26 June, 2004 147 comments written
Would've been better without the last panel imo, but otherwise great.
The Bard of Blasphemy June 8, 2006 04:19
First comment: 13 May, 2005 46 comments written
Damn... i don't get it.

The maths geek in me sees that "x cubed" gets differentiated down to "3x squared"... but why?
progo June 8, 2006 07:41
First comment: 8 June, 2006 1 comments written
I ain't a math person so this makes me laugh. :]
Jmadman311 June 8, 2006 08:20
First comment: 23 May, 2006 17 comments written
Bard: Dis...integration? :)
Janos June 8, 2006 15:15
First comment: 18 August, 2005 40 comments written
Bard: Dudley din't know how to solve the equation, so he prayed to Kos"I am not a coward!" he cried. "I'll dare Thieves' House
and fetch you Krovas' head and toss it with blood a-drip at
Vlana's feet. I swear that, witness me, Kos the god of
dooms, by the brown bones of Nalgron my father and by his
sword Graywand here at my side!"
[ Swords and Deviltry, by Fritz Leiber ]

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to enlight him.
Roger Barnett June 8, 2006 16:23
First comment: 7 April, 2006 143 comments written
Very amusing. Does this mean that Black Dragons are superb mathematicians?
shel June 8, 2006 19:15
First comment: 19 August, 2005 107 comments written
Clever, very clever
freshme@ June 9, 2006 22:48
First comment: 4 January, 2005 67 comments written
Might have been funnier if Dudley had fired the "dis-integration" beam. But I too got the joke.

For those who don't know: Differentiation (finding the derivative) can be done by multiplying a term by its power and reducing the power by 1, as shown in the comic. Very useful in computing velocity and acceleration from an object's position at different times.

The reverse of this process is called integration. So differentiation could be said to be dis-integration.
Fathead July 22, 2006 01:56
First comment: 1 April, 2006 1136 comments written
Math! Nice!
Kenzo April 6, 2007 18:06
First comment: 6 April, 2007 5 comments written
Maths. Ugh.
Grognor April 19, 2007 04:50
First comment: 4 April, 2007 1161 comments written
Double maths! Double nice!

Excellent strip.
Quint Sakugarne January 2, 2008 06:52
First comment: 1 January, 2008 233 comments written
Made of win.
Blackened June 3, 2008 00:45
First comment: 14 May, 2008 31 comments written
Let me guess... Math exams?

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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