@ "Dudley! Come quick! There's a !"
@ "Oh my! Two Balrogs!"
@ "No, wait! I mean Balrogath, not Balrogs."
@ "Balrogath? That would mean Balrogkind!"
@ "That would be like seeing two guys and saying, 'Oh, look! Mankind!'"
@ "Well, is Sindarin, so the plural must be Belryg."
@ "Belryg?! You mean Balroeg, of course!"
@ "No, '' is the singular!"
@ "Not 'BalROG!' I said, 'BalROEG!' Listen to the word. It's not spelled the same."
@ "Balroeg? I seriously doubt that it's Balroeg. It's Belryg. I'm sure of it."
@ "Belryg!? Listen to yourSELF, for crying out loud!"
@ "That doesn't even sound like it comes from the same root word!"
@ "Wait a second! You're playing illiterate conduct!"
@ "Why am I arguing about Sindarin linguistics with an illiterate!?"
@ "Oh, real mature!"
A looks at its .
@ "That's a lot of Balrogs."