Dudley's dungeon

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Monday, 5 December, 2005 by a fan
         &       @  
@ "Huh? There is something wrong with this strip."
         &       @  
@ "Must be a new contributor."
         &       @  
@ "None of this seems to make any sense whatsoever."
& "Guys, let's get him!"
         &       @  
& "Hey? Where is he?"
@ "Poor bastards."
         &       @  
L "This sucks. Let's go play softball."
t "Yeah! I agree with Larry!"
         &       @  
@ "I suppose one needs to know more than how to copy-paste to create Dudley's Dungeon strips."
         &       @  
@ "And now that I think about it, there are some length-issues here as well."
         &       @  
& "Why are we still here?"
& "Um... Which & are you? Or was it me who said that?"
   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |    Laughter    | 
 |    killed by   | 
 |  an unskilled  | 
 |    wanna-be?   | 
My thanks go to all who have contributed to the comic.

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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Average rating: Fair
Number of ratings: 18


shel December 5, 2005 00:02
First comment: 19 August, 2005 107 comments written
emacs and picture-mode not good enough for you?
Nameless December 5, 2005 03:47
First comment: 29 December, 2004 281 comments written
RIP Laughter
Killed by a fan

Seriously, I loved the second and third last panels though.
zem December 5, 2005 07:31
First comment: 5 December, 2005 64 comments written
Not bad, but the ? at the end of the headstone spoilt it somewhat
L December 5, 2005 13:56
First comment: 10 February, 2005 285 comments written
Self-parody?! But D'sD is only a year and four fifths old! Now's hardly the time to grow cynical.

P.S Thank you Dion.
Goodgods December 5, 2005 23:16
First comment: 2 March, 2005 13 comments written
Best Comic EVAR
Fathead July 18, 2006 21:44
First comment: 1 April, 2006 1136 comments written
Yach. But cutsey!
Grognor April 17, 2007 04:43
First comment: 4 April, 2007 1161 comments written
I hate this strip with a passion unequaled.
kureshii March 16, 2008 13:51
First comment: 8 March, 2008 37 comments written
Laughter wasn't killed... Humour was.

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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