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@ "Aha! A !" @ "A , Nerdley?"
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@ "A thousand turns of pushing this around, and my strength will be in the 18s in no time!"
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@ "Here we go! Hrrrngh!"
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@ "Gnnnrhh!"
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@ "Rrrrnnnggghhh!"
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@ "Guuuunnnhhhh!"
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@ "Braargghhh!!"
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@ "Uuurrrggghh!"
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With great effort Nerdley pushes the .
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@ "Pant, pant... I... wheeze... I think I saw my biceps swell a bit already! Just 999 more pushes..."
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@ "Rrraaauughh!"
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@ "Gggnggh!" d "It's like Sisyphus, only he's enjoying it."