Dudley's dungeon

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Friday, 19 November, 2004 by Dion Nicolaas
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@ "Wow! Four installments from a one-word quotation from Lewis Carroll!
..--------       ---
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...%.....|     |....
@ "Makes me wander if there is any Shakespeare in NetHack..."

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Number of ratings: 6


Robert Barber, Tamer of a Digital One November 19, 2004 00:41
First comment: 28 September, 2004 64 comments written
/ n newt(kinds of) small animal, like a lizard, which spends most of
its time in the water.
        [ Oxford's Student's Dictionary of Current English ]

"Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble."
        [ Macbeth, by William Shakespeare ]

Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by the NetHack Development Team
Copyright (c) 1994 by Boudewijn Wayers
NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details.
Crawler November 19, 2004 10:45
First comment: 24 August, 2004 57 comments written
Is Dudley suggesting that the Devteam are monkeys with typewriters ? That would be asking for trouble...
Schnee November 19, 2004 16:16
First comment: 10 November, 2004 76 comments written
Sometimes, they sure seem to act like it.
Cetra November 19, 2004 21:38
First comment: 28 June, 2004 38 comments written
If you wereIn 1573, the Parliament of Dole published a decree, permitting
the inhabitants of the Franche-Comte to pursue and kill a
were-wolf or loup-garou, which infested that province,
"notwithstanding the existing laws concerning the chase."
The people were empowered to "assemble with javelins,
halberds, pikes, arquebuses and clubs, to hunt and pursue the
said were-wolf in all places where they could find it, and to
take, burn, and kill it, without incurring any fine or other
penalty." The hunt seems to have been successful, if we may
judge from the fact that the same tribunal in the following
year condemned to be burned a man named Giles Garnier, who
ran on all fours in the forest and fields and devoured little
children, "even on Friday." The poor lycanthrope, it appears,
had as slight respect for ecclesiastical feasts as the French
pig, which was not restrained by any feeling of piety from
eating infants on a fast day.
        [ The History of Vampires, by Dudley Wright ]

Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by the NetHack Development Team
Copyright (c) 1994 by Boudewijn Wayers
NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details.
new to Nethack, the dungeon maps might indeed look like a monkey"Listen, man-cub," said the Bear, and his voice rumbled like
thunder on a hot night. "I have taught thee all the Law of
the Jungle for all the peoples of the jungle--except the
Monkey-Folk who live in the trees. They have no law. They
are outcasts. They have no speech of their own, but use the
stolen words which they overhear when they listen, and peep,
and wait up above in the branches. Their way is not our way.
They are without leaders. They have no remembrance. They
boast and chatter and pretend that they are a great people
about to do great affairs in the jungle, but the falling of
a nut turns their minds to laughter and all is forgotten.
We of the jungle have no dealings with them. We do not drink
where the monkeys drink; we do not go where the monkeys go;
we do not hunt where they hunt; we do not die where they die...."
        [ The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling ]

Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by the NetHack Development Team
Copyright (c) 1994 by Boudewijn Wayers
NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details.
went insane on a keyboard, with his favorite keys being the period, the dash, and the | thing.
acheron November 19, 2004 23:43
First comment: 1 June, 2004 63 comments written
| is usually called "pipe" :)
Cheapy November 20, 2004 00:33
First comment: 16 July, 2004 6 comments written
Guys, look at the top left corner of the screens. Book store.
Zeddi November 20, 2004 00:48
First comment: 5 June, 2004 80 comments written
@acheron: not everyone is a unix-geek :P

Devs are, at all, no monkeys... nethack is free - got it? :P
NordenJolt November 20, 2004 02:10
First comment: 20 November, 2004 1 comments written
"Sometimes, they sure seem to act like it."

Dam it, that one was really good, since act is the building blocks of shakespear programs. Oh, and I supose that it is the programming language Shakespear�¹.

[1] - http://shakespearelang.sourceforge.net/
Schnee November 20, 2004 20:55
First comment: 10 November, 2004 76 comments written
Well, that comment was actually mostly directed at their development model. Why can't they have a publicly-accessible CVS (or Subversion or whatever) repository that everybody can look at? Why are there no public development mailing lists? Why don't they do pre-releases, announcements, or anything?

I can't see a single reason why this closedness would even be a benefit, but many why it wouldn't be.
  November 21, 2004 12:19
First comment: 1 April, 2004 431 comments written
| is also a Boolean 'OR' function, IIRC.
Calin November 21, 2004 13:12
First comment: 21 November, 2004 1 comments written
Actually. the pipe, or |, is less known as the boolean OR, unless it's doubled, as such ||. With only a single pipe, it represents the bitwise or, where in (val1|val2) the binary representation of val1 will be ORed by the binary representation of val2.
Matt M P November 21, 2004 17:18
First comment: 13 October, 2004 23 comments written
Why don't they do pre-releases, and announcements? Well that's simple, they do this for free and you must ask yourself, what benefit would they have to do the things that you ask for other than it would take more time on their part? The closedness benefits them because it saves them time and energy.
Kal Zekdor November 21, 2004 18:06
First comment: 28 October, 2004 16 comments written
Hmmm, curious. Is it supposed to say wander in the second panel, or should it be wonder?
Cetra November 22, 2004 18:36
First comment: 28 June, 2004 38 comments written
Kernigh July 11, 2005 04:17
First comment: 6 April, 2005 349 comments written
"Wander". If Dudley was not exploring the dungeon, then there would be no Shakespeare in nethack.
Grey Knight October 20, 2005 13:59
First comment: 20 October, 2005 116 comments written
I think NetHack and SLASH'EM have a symbiotic development model; anything and everything goes into SLASH'EM, then the DevTeam just wait for the ideas to ripen there and pluck them for NetHack. Fresh from the treeI think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
        [ Trees - Joyce Kilmer ]

Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by the NetHack Development Team
Copyright (c) 1994 by Boudewijn Wayers
NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details.
Fathead April 13, 2006 00:45
First comment: 1 April, 2006 1136 comments written
What's the one-word quote?
Grognor April 7, 2007 05:24
First comment: 4 April, 2007 1161 comments written
You don't even know who I am.
HK June 6, 2007 06:56
First comment: 1 June, 2007 309 comments written
The poems stopped!
Kohkelxon December 7, 2008 13:37
First comment: 8 January, 2008 52 comments written

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