Dudley's dungeon

Friday, 26 May, 2006 by L
@ "Gee, it's been a long time since I got any mail addressed to me!"
@ "Hint, hint!"
& "Gangway!"
@ "Gosh, I wonder whom this could be for?"
@ "'Dear Dogley,' — Gah! Curse you, RN God!"
d "Ahem!"
d "'Dear Dogley, tell me about Dudley's twelve siblings. Sincerely, Erdrick.'"
d "Well?"
@ "Well, I'm the youngest of my parents' thirteen offspring."
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@ "My eldest brother is a renowned ancient artifact collector..."
@ "My second-eldest went north and joined a band of highwaymen..."
 ....  ......       
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@ "My third-eldest eschewed modern living and became a mountain wanderer..."
.|......+          +
@ "My fourth-eldest went to study medicine somewhere in the Mediterranean..."
@ "My fifth and eleventh-eldest became soldiers at opposite ends of the world..."
@ "My sixth and eighth-eldest both went on religious retreats to the Great Temples..."
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@ "My seventh-eldest, being a seventh son, was spirited away to wizards' school at age 12..."
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@ "My fourth-youngest, a nature enthusiast, found his calling in the Scouts..."
@ "My third-youngest sends money home each week, but we have no idea of his occupation..."
@ "And my youngest brother is in the midst of a round-the-world backpacking tour."
@ "One thing I should mention, though, is that our parents gave all of us the same first name."
@ "Presumably so that our hand-me-down clothes wouldn't need to be relabeled."
d "Wait, they named you Dudley, even though you're a girl?"
@ "Hey, just because I play a Valkyrie doesn't mean I'm any less of a man!"
d "Except biologically and mentally, of course."
@ "Well, yeah."

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