Dudley's dungeon

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Monday, 21 March, 2005 by Nameless
Ph33r teh awesome   
Nethack! GEEKS      
UNITE!!! W00t!!     
OMG LOL this is so  
lame. Like, WTF is  
with the leters?    
@ "oh-no dudley is gone boo-hoo. HE'S BACK! DUN-DUN-DUN!!! lol."
You step on a       
polymorph trap.     
You turn into a     
trollThe troll shambled closer.  He was perhaps eight feet tall,
perhaps more. His forward stoop, with arms dangling past
thick claw-footed legs to the ground, made it hard to tell.
The hairless green skin moved upon his body. His head was a
gash of a mouth, a yard-long nose, and two eyes which drank
the feeble torchlight and never gave back a gleam.
Like a huge green spider, the troll's severed hand ran on its
fingers. Across the mounded floor, up onto a log with one
taloned forefinger to hook it over the bark, down again it
scrambled, until it found the cut wrist. And there it grew
fast. The troll's smashed head seethed and knit together.
He clambered back on his feet and grinned at them. The
waning faggot cast red light over his fangs.
        [ Three Hearts and Three Lions, by Poul Anderson ]

Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by the NetHack Development Team
Copyright (c) 1994 by Boudewijn Wayers
NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details.
. --------- |.......| |..T....| |.......| ---------
@ "Uh-oh. Busted."

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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Average rating: Good
Number of ratings: 12


Zeddi March 21, 2005 00:10
First comment: 5 June, 2004 80 comments written
rofl :P
weishaupt March 21, 2005 00:37
First comment: 21 March, 2005 2 comments written
gee, i wonder what recent events inspired this one...
Erendor March 21, 2005 06:19
First comment: 21 March, 2005 1 comments written
That's great ;) This is the sort of thing you'd post in forums when it gets out of hand. (Like those little graphics saying "Got Noob?" or "Spam! It's whats for breakfast!"
blindcoder March 21, 2005 09:49
First comment: 21 March, 2005 27 comments written
wasn't that "Beer! It's what's for dinner!"?
Schnee March 21, 2005 14:44
First comment: 10 November, 2004 76 comments written
Goodness, what a piece of crap. Sorry, but really...
Larnde Solen March 21, 2005 15:06
First comment: 18 February, 2005 14 comments written
Ouch. That was painful to read.
But, yes, the punchline is so true. Pity there isn't a TrollThe troll shambled closer. He was perhaps eight feet tall,
perhaps more. His forward stoop, with arms dangling past
thick claw-footed legs to the ground, made it hard to tell.
The hairless green skin moved upon his body. His head was a
gash of a mouth, a yard-long nose, and two eyes which drank
the feeble torchlight and never gave back a gleam.
Like a huge green spider, the troll's severed hand ran on its
fingers. Across the mounded floor, up onto a log with one
taloned forefinger to hook it over the bark, down again it
scrambled, until it found the cut wrist. And there it grew
fast. The troll's smashed head seethed and knit together.
He clambered back on his feet and grinned at them. The
waning faggot cast red light over his fangs.
        [ Three Hearts and Three Lions, by Poul Anderson ]

Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 by the NetHack Development Team
Copyright (c) 1994 by Boudewijn Wayers
NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details.
-Ray to turn on (ahem.) a few specific people.
Beowulf March 22, 2005 02:01
First comment: 8 January, 2005 114 comments written
I just got it! That's how "trolls" talk when they invade us.
Violist March 22, 2005 09:11
First comment: 25 June, 2004 206 comments written
Hmm.. this seems to me to be more of a political commentary than a comic, but very funny still :)
Eemeli March 24, 2005 21:02
First comment: 2 March, 2005 143 comments written
But seriously, this one was great. : )
@ June 16, 2005 16:18
First comment: 26 July, 2004 155 comments written
@ says busted?
why does not T say busted?
Fathead April 27, 2006 03:40
First comment: 1 April, 2006 1136 comments written
Mr @, it's because that was a goof.

Ehrm, or maybe there's an @ somewhere...?
Grognor April 12, 2007 05:03
First comment: 4 April, 2007 1161 comments written
But they just keep... coming... back...
Kassil the Erratic April 18, 2007 06:30
First comment: 17 April, 2007 28 comments written
Yup. Flaming Trolls never die...
Antheridium May 17, 2007 13:22
First comment: 17 May, 2007 442 comments written
I'm surprised my sides didn't split from laughing. This has to be the best DD I've seen so far. Keep up the good work, people.
HK June 20, 2007 21:26
First comment: 1 June, 2007 309 comments written

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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