Dudley's dungeon

Friday, 16 May, 2008 by @
d - a laptop.       
e - a laptop.       
f - a laptop.       
@ "Ah, an altar. Now I can BUC test what I got at Newegg's hardware store!"
There is an amber   
flash as the laptop 
lands on the altar. 
@ "w00t!"
d - a laptop running
Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy  
The laptop lands    
on the altar.       
e - a laptop running
Windows XP SP2.     
@ "Grumble... Micro$oft crap."
There is a black    
flash as the laptop 
lands on the altar. 
@ "Uh-oh..."
d - a laptop running
Windows Vista.      
@ "Aaaaah! Get a Knoppix CD! Get a Knoppix CD!"
Bill Gates appears  
from nowhere!       
--More-- #          
@ "Aaaaaugh!! He's taking over! I've got to get to the Linux version!"

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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