|..| |..^^..
@ "This building may, or may not, be the Administration. I wonder what it's like inside?"
Hello Dudley,
welcome to C.O.R.P.!
@ "Yeah, that figures. And— *GASP* A Klown!"
@ *glare* K *glare*
@ "AAAHHHHHH!" K *cackling laughter*
You shoot 3 arrows.
The Klown hits! The
Klown hits!
@ "Ugh!"
As you read the
scroll, it
The Klown throws a
cream pie!
@ "Noooooo..."
@ "...oooooo..."
@ "...oooooo!"
What a mess!
The arrow hits the
K "Argh!"
@ "Care to surrender?"
K "No, but allow me to wittily question the nature of your relationship with Dogley!"
The Klown wields a
whip! Snap!
K "Now say hello to my little friends!"
k - a wand of
@ "Suck on this!"
You kill the tiger!
The tiger drowns!
You hit the Klown.
The Klown hits you.
@ "Bring it!"
You hit the Klown!
The Klown hits you!
K "You shall not defy C.O.R.P.!"
You kill the Klown!
@ "See you in hell, letterman."
You see a door open.
@ @ @ @
@ @ @ @
# # # #
Guard 47 "Ahem." Dudley "Ah, crap."