Dudley's dungeon

Monday, 16 July, 2007 by Mordae
Hello Dudley,       
welcome to NetHack  
PvP! Other players: 
@ "I wish this new version had come out a long time ago!"
Hello Rodney,       
welcome back to     
NetHack PvP! Other  
players: Dudley     
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@ "Time for some fun!"
To what level do you want to teleport? 1
Rodney has joined   
the game.           
Rodney appears in   
a flash of light!   
@ "Oh, hi there! I'm new to this version... can you help me out?"
@ "Yeah, I'll show you a handy trick."
You use the touch of
death! You kill     
  |... .+           
@ "Mwahahahaha!"
@ "This new version sucks."
The real reason why people want multi-player NetHack.

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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