You succeed in
picking the lock.
The door opens.
d ....|
###### ..|
@ "Hello. My name is Gomel Montoya. You rob- bed my brother's liquor store. Prepare to die."
You stop. Your
little dog is
in the way!
Gomel hits!
d ....|
###### ..|
@ "Hm. Guess I'll use my teleportation wand in a different way than I had planned."
Gomel is
@ "I'll just step in and.. uh oh, he wasn't alone?" @ "Hello. My name is Leuk Montoya..."
You displaced
your little dog.
@ "...very well. Your OWNER robbed my brother's liquor store. Prepare to die."
The little dog
is killed!
@ "Hello. My name is Klodzko Montoya. You rob- bed my brother's liquor store. Prepare to die."
Nothing happens.
@ "Hello. My name is Gomel Montoya. You robbed my br..." @ "Stop SAYING that!"