Dudley's dungeon — The Game

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Read through all the installments of Dudley's dungeon? Printed enough of them to decorate your office? Got the T-shirt? Now it is time to play... Dudley's dungeon — The Game!

Inspired by classics like Rummikub, Dvorak and het Advertentiespel, the Dudley Game is a game of chance, creativity and fun. And the winner gets a prize: your own 24 hours of fame with your winning comic on Dudley's dungeon's website!

Dudley — The Game is a cardgame. The purpose of the game is to make Dudley comics. In the end, all players can vote for their favourite comic from the ones made. The winning comic can be sent to dudley@nicolaas.net and will be featured as a weekend special.


Print the cards below. Use the Print Preview feature of your browser to make the cards fit exactly on the page. You probably want the smallest margins possible, no headers or footers, and to switch on printing of backgrounds.

Here you can tweak the number of cards per page:

Print setup
Cards per Page: x
This will print 6 pages (excluding the rules.)

Start printing at page 2 to leave out this introduction. If you want to, you can start printing at page 3 so the rules are not printed. Then cut the cards out. For a really sturdy deck you can glue them on cardboard.

Everytime you visit this page, a different deck of Dudley cards is displayed! You can collect them all for fun, make your own decks out of all the cards you have, or just print a new deck once in a while for variation.

A standard deck consists of 72 cards (good for about 20 comics), but you can make your size for longer or shorter games. Use more cards if you have more than seven players.

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
Powered by Nics

Dudley's dungeon — The Game

Rules of the game

Preparation for play

The Game can be played by one or more players. Shuffle the cards, deal 10 of them to each player, and put the rest of it upside down on the table.

Playing a turn

Players take turns. In each turn you can do all of the following, as much as you like:

  • Put a card face up on the table, starting a new comic.
  • Add a card face up to a comic, either in the beginning or in the end.
  • Remove a card from a comic. This card must stay on the table, as a start of a new comic or added to a comic already started.
  • Write a text in an empty text box on a card that's on the table. If you don't want to write on your cards, use e.g. sticky notes.
  • After you are done with the changes to the table, draw a card.

The other players await eagerly until you're done, so they can do the same. It is not allowed to pass. If your turn takes to long, the other players may stop you. You can set a 1 minute maximum time, if you want; hourglass not included.

Game end

The game ends when all cards have been played, when all players are out of ideas, or when the general consensus is that this isn't going to get any better. Now the voting starts.

Each player awards 3 points to the best comic on the table, 2 points to the second best, and 1 point to the third one. The comic(s) with the most points win.

Submitting the winner

Email the winning comic to dudley@nicolaas.net (make sure you include pictures and text). Mention the fact that it is a Dudley Game winner. It will be featured as a Saturday or Sunday installment of Dudley's dungeon on http://dudley.nicolaas.net.

Want to contribute? Write an email to dudley@nicolaas.net!
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The high priestess of Moloch zaps a wand of polymorph!
@ "There are more than enough characters."
You were wearing a  
blessed greased +3  
grey dragon scale   
 ### --------       
   # |......|       
The boulder fills a pit.
       .@.    ----- 
      .....   | % % 
     ....... --.)%- 
     ...@...-- %  | 
     ---@---- ) --- 
       ..A % % [|   
@ "Hello?"
@ "Oh, hi. Sorry but we're closed. Famine is on a hunger strike."
@ "..."
f - a wand of wishing (0:0)
t "You think turning me into a lurker above is going to stop me!?"
V "Avada Kedavra!"
@ "OK, OK, it's back to business for me, now. Kill a few monsters, find a few treasures..."
Moments later...    
& "Yes, we do have the Amulet."
@ "Groan..."
& "Hey, I'm lawful aligned, remember?"
###-q.J&u%!|     #  
   |rkHOI%.|    -.--
   ---------    |...
Are you really sure you want to break your wand of death? y

A cloud of dust     
springs up --More-- 
@ Cast Wizard lock
     @@     @@      
    @@  @@@ @@      
    @@ @@ @ @@      
    @@ @@@@@@@      
@ "Now I know. We're all just parts of a grand whole. All life is a single cosmic entity."
|..---------..--   -
|..|....A..|.%.-- --
|..|....L%.|..%-- --
|..---------..--   -
@ "It's all lead up to this final moment of glory, success, and victory!"
@ "Aaaaarrrgh!"
        ###  #      
@ "I've played a few RPGs in my day; this NetHack seems like no problemo."
A - A Dragonskin    
@ "Close enough."
THUD! You hear a    
|....|    -------   
|....|   #.f....|   
------    |.....|   
             | ---  
             |<  |  
       ----- --- |  
       .@. |     |  
       --- | --- |  
           | |      
         | | |      
         |   |      
You see here a ¥-shirt.
Moments later...    
@ "Whoops, my mistake — this is just the Giant Deformed Monkey Head chamber."
   |       [  ------
   |        ))|     
----...     ---     
    n@---   |       
-|  .-- --  |       
 |  [|   ----       
@ "I don't believe my luck... my very own tame nymph."
|@          | | | | 
----------- | | |   
    |     | --------
| | | --- |         
| | | | | ----------
--- |   |           
|   ----- ----------
You see here a gold piece.
@ "Nuts!"
}}}}.|  ----------|}
}}}}.|  |  -@`.|  |}
}}}}.|  |``|...|  |}
}}}}.|  |``|.@(|  |}
;}}}.|  |``|...|  |}
}}}}.|  |  -------|}
}}}}.|` |         |}
.}}}.|  --------  |}
.}}}.|      `     |}
@ "Hey, gorgonzola! Feel the wrath of the mighty reflection amulet!"

The giant picks up  
the elf.            
   #             ---
 --+-----        |..
 |.@....|    ####-..
 |.H....@#####   |..
 |......|        ---
You feel a change   
coming over you.    
#########.j.  |     
         |..  |     
#########+    |     
j "So much for that theory."
@ "Naturally."
 | |   |}------     
 | |   |}}}}}}|     
 | |   |.....}|     
 | |   |.....}|     
 | |   |.....}#     
 | -----@....}@     
 |     ......}|     
 | -----}}}}}}|     
 | |   |}------     
@ "Fetchez la vache!"
          .@.     -.
The voice of Amaterasu Omikami booms: "Curse you, RN God!!"
............###### #
@ "Dr. Efembe, I presume?"
@ "AGAIN?!"
#   |.......'@a##   
#   |.......m|  #   
    ----------  ####
The lich touches you! You're covered in frost! The iron golem hits! The iron golem hits!
|   |               
|>  --              
|    -              
-- ...---           
 | .@.  |           
 ---.. --           
   | ---            
   |  -             
@ "Wait... I just used a number greater than three! (Which, coincidently, was my int score.)"
The Wizard of Yendor
turns to stone.    |
| ---------------- |
|"|     ^    ` | |  
| ------ ----- | |--
    `    |       |< 
---------- ---------
   .c`     |        
------------ -------
c "I never understand this part of the game."
The lurker above    
thouroughly digests 
@ "Well, here I am getting digested again."

   /  REST IN  \    
  /    PEACE    \   
 /               \  
 |  The GWTWOD   |  
 |   killed by   |  
 |a now-overused |  
 |     joke      |  
@ "You've just lost... The Game?"
d "Sonuva-!"
@ "Clan EIT at the keyboard."
@ "With two Dudleys working together, what can possibly beat us?"
   /  REST IN   \   
  /    PEACE     \  
 /                \ 
 |     Dudley     | 
 |    Killed by   | 
 |  rest_on_space | 
 |                | 
The cockatrice      
touches you.        
Oh wow! Great stuff!
You look out the    
window. You see     
#              ###  
@ "This isn't how I had imagined the plane of air."
Pick up what?
x - a red gem.
The troll hits!     
@ "Hey! Get back in place! You're ruining my shot!"
--\     *---        
   \          *---  
/-\|  *---          
  ||       *---     
\--/          *---  
---/            *---
    #  #############
  |   |#            
@ "Arthur C. Clarke once said that. And now we have magic inside computers!"
|.&...P.|       #   
|.......|       ####
P "I resist fire..."

       # #          
@ "That went well... for a change."
Wait! That's a small mimic! The mimic hits!
@ "..."
h "Excuse me, sir? Do you know Gandalf?"
Nothing happens.    
+++|  |------.|  |(.
?++|  |..(@.|.|  |((
@ "Wait! Before you kill me, I have one last question..."
   /   REST IN   \  
  /     PEACE     \ 
 /                 \
 |     Dudley      |
 |  lost the game  |
 |                 |
 |     *  *  *     |
@ "Darn."
   ---     #        
  -..-######  ----- 
  |..--      -      
  |._.|     -  6    
 --...--    |  5    
#|.....|    ------- 
@ "NetHack 4.0 came out today."
@ "(Strange creature...)"
You miss the imp.   
"Go ahead, fetch thy
mama! I shall wait."
G "How much longer do you think he'll last?"
This wolf corpse    
tastes terrible!    
@ "Okay, what was all that about?"

You exit the orange 
....| |.............
..*@| |.............
----- -------.....--
The waiter waits. The waiter waits! You order a beer.
Hello Wesley,       
welcome to NetHack! 
 # |...........|    
## ------.-.----    
@ "About time Dudley let me adventure on my own for a bit."
@ "A life, I've got a life..."
-------# #|.i$      
######## @-..>      
@ "He even admits that he doesn't know anything."
@ "Well that was just... pathetic.
|                |..
|                |..
|           ------.)
|           |.......
|      ------......)
@ "At last, I've genocided cockatrices AND chickatrices! No more c-related YASDs for me!"
| |..........q......
| | | | |`|.|)|.|.|.
A voice booms out: "One hundred and eeiightyyyyyy!"
    #   |....|      
#####   ------      
@ "Chapter 1, introduction..."
@ "I wonder what happens when you cast your special spell? It has to be powerful, right?"
   # |..........|   
#### |..........+   
@ "If you're my twin, what makes you think you have such a big advantage?"
A water demon       
@ "Or not..."